Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster

True Jazzmaster Tone, No Hum


  • Hum-Cancelling
  • Clean & Articulate
  • Traditional Appearance
  • Vintage Output

Lindy Fralin Original Design

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( 34 genuine reviews)

Are you seeking for the purest Jazzmaster tone – but can’t stand 60-Cycle hum? Discover why our Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster pickups are the perfect pickups for you. Hum Cancelling Jazzmasters feature a unique 2-coil design located on either side of AlNiCo V magnets for a smooth, fat tone and the ultimate hum-free performance.


Customize your Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster:


Due to the nature of Raw Nickel, Raw Nickel may contain slight cosemetic defects or abrasions.


We recommend using 2-Conductor With Shield Lead when purchasing a single pickup. 2-Conductor lead allows you to reverse the phase should you have phase issues. Learn About Lead Choice

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Fralin Warranty Stamp

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Our commitment to quality is unwavering. We build our products to last and stand by our products and manufacturing process—period. We're so confident in the quality of our pickups that we offer a 10-year warranty against manufacturing defects. This warranty is our promise to you that you're investing in a high-quality, durable product that will stand the test of time.
Fralin Handmade Stamp

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Our commitment to quality extends to the materials we use. We make all our pickups by hand, one at a time, in our small, humble shop in Richmond, VA, using 100% USA-made parts. This ensures that we can carefully build, wind, and assemble all our pickups with the utmost care and attention to detail, using only the best materials.
Fralin Exchange Stamp

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Experience our exclusive 30-Day Exchange Program, designed to give you the peace of mind you deserve. It allows you to thoroughly test your pickups in your preferred environment, whether it's on stage or on the road. If you have second thoughts about your selection, simply contact us, and we'll ensure a hassle-free exchange for a more suitable set of pickups.

Pure Jazzmaster Tone, Zero Jazzmaster Hum.

Want to learn more about our Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster? Here's all the information you'll need:


  • Original Lindy Fralin design!
  • Clean and clear, lots of Fender sparkle and twang
  • USA-made Alnico 5 Magnets for optimal tonal balance and output
  • Compensated Bridge output for even volume across all pickups
  • Unique 2-Coil design for noiseless operation in all positions
  • Hand-wound with our “Sectioning” technique for unique, dynamic tone
  • USA-Made Injection Molded Bobbins for unrivaled quality control
  • 10-Year Warranty on manufacturing defects


Improve the tone of your Jazzmaster today with our Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster pickups. Whether you are a professional recording artist or a local hero, you understand the importance of getting rid of that pesky hum. Hum Cancelling pickups from other manufacturers always fall short of that real Jazzmaster tone, but at Fralin Pickups, we have the perfect solution. Lindy’s unique hum-canceling design provides you with the purest single-coil tone you can get out of a hum-free pickup.

Our Hum Cancelling Jazzmasters features a clear, round bottom end, with smooth and sparkly highs. Expect a balanced and clear midrange with an excellent string definition. You’ll love the familiar Fender pick attack as single notes sound clear and round, and chords will sound warm and defined.

Do you play clean? If so, you’ll find this set’s tone incredibly beautiful as the USA-Made Alnico 5 Magnets supply plenty of Fender sparkle. Playing with distortion will yield creamy, silky tones with a smooth, late breakup. We can overwind this model by 5% to give you more output and a darker and beefier tone – ask for it in the “Notes” field.

Our manufacturing process allows us to achieve unparalleled quality control. Our Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster Pickups consist of a precision injection mold and USA-Made wire. We use smooth-sounding USA-Made magnets to make this model clear and balanced. Each bobbin is carefully inspected and cleaned before winding.

We wind each pickup by hand, one at a time, using our proprietary “Sectioning” technique. This gives the pickup a sweet, clear tone. Finally, we wax-pot the pickup to preserve the pickup and prevent microphonics.

For a Hum-Cancelling P90 version, we offer this pickup as a Hum-Cancelling Steel Pole Jazzmaster. Check it out.

Sound Samples for Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster:
About this Sound Clip:

All sound samples are played from Neck Position First and Bridge Position Last.

Tonal Graph For Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster:

The tonal graph below for our Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster features Lows, Midrange, Highs, and general Output.


Attack: Bright & Sharp

Videos for Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster:

Tech Specs:

See below for the estimated DCR and Polarity Information for our Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster.

This pickup is hum cancelling and features reversible polarity if purchased with 2-Conductor With Shield Lead. You might need to rout out a bit of wood to make these pickups fit. Some customers were required to rout about 1/16" - 1/8" from their pickup cavities. On American Vintage Reissue Guitars (AVRI), you'll need to lift the Copper Plate, rout some of the wood (1/8" - 1/4"), and replace the copper plate.

Neck Ohm Reading:8.8K* 1
Bridge Ohm Reading:10K* 1
Neck Polarity:Hum Cancelling. Reversible with 2-Conductor With Shield Lead
Bridge Polarity:Hum Cancelling. Reversible with 2-Conductor With Shield Lead
Magnets:USA-Made Alnico 5
Coil:USA-Made 42-Gauge Single Poly Nylon
Recommended Pot Value:500K**
String Spacing:52mm
Recommended Cap Value:0.02mfd 2

More Information:

1 Ohm Readings can vary due to a multitude of factors, including ambient temperature, multimeter calibration, different wire batches, and other factors. Due to this, ohm readings are approximate. Learn more about Ohm Readings here.

2 We recommend a 0.02mfd Cap Value on most guitar and bass pickups. The exception is a Magic Cap, which Lindy prefers on the Bridge Pickup of Fender® guitars only. Learn More about Caps Here.

* Due to the unique design of this pickup, Ohm readings are not useful when comparing to different models | **Experiment with different pot values for a different tone

Polarity Information:

Here's how we wind and magnetize our pickups:

This is a Hum Cancelling Pickup.

If you're buying a set from us, all pickups will work together seamlessly. If you're buying a single pickup, all you need to worry about is Coil Direction.

To ensure your pickup will work, make sure you select multiple leads (2-Conductor, 3-Conductor, or 4-Conductor if available), or the 3-Wire modification so you can reverse the coil direction, if need be.

Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster Dimensions:

Jazzmaster Dimensions

Customer Reviews

34 Genuine Reviews for Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster

  1. James Patrick

    Verified Purchase

    Awesome Pickups! I DIG THEM Lindy!

  2. Jeremy Hernandez

    Verified Purchase

    Amazing Noiseless Pickups

    I seriously am so happy with my purchase!! I was debating between a few different reputable companies for JM noiseless pickups for a while for my JM. The reviews on Fralin were all top notch and now I know why. These are dead silent and sound ridiculous. The highs and lows are perfect. So for me I have a 2021 Dark Knight JM Pro II that I put these in. My guitar tech kind of re wired my guitar specifically in a way that is amazing with these pick ups that I won’t get into but I will say they are completely hum free. I will also note that prior to ordering them I called Fralin and spoke to someone there and they were so helpful and friendly. They recommended a 300k volume pot for them which I got and that is amazing also. Overall Fralin for the win!!

  3. Ryan Wilson

    Verified Purchase

    Rippers! These pups are destroying the noisy stock winders!!! Absolutely love every Fralin pickup I’ve heard and used!

  4. Thomas McCuen

    Verified Purchase

    Jazzmaster American Standard
    Pickups make this thing sound like an angel coming out of my helix. No hum at all, even with drives stacked! Very impressed and can’t wait to put Fralins in my other guitars.

  5. Matthew J Wilder

    Verified Purchase

    I’ll be honest, a little bright for me. To be fair I’m playing with stainless steel frets and a ziricote board, so, brighter than rosewood and nickel. As far as clear and articulate, absolutely. I was hoping for a bit more bass, but I’m hoping to compensate with my amp. Hope this helps.

    • Tyler Delsack
      (store manager)

      Hey Matthew,

      Would you like to exchange it for a heavier wind? We can add a few extra turns on the pickup and it will thicken up the midrange, and decrease the highs. Email us at [email protected] if you’d like to process this exchange!

  6. Errik Wong

    Verified Purchase

    Very, very nice set of pickups

    I’ll be honest, I’m new to the whole Jazzmaster thing, but I know what a traditional JM sounds like. With a custom build that I put together (maple neck with Pau Ferro fb and SS frets + semi-hollow alder body), I knew that I wanted to avoid the rather extreme hum that traditional JM pickups tend to exhibit. When I installed this set of Fralin pickups, I did notice that the overall size of the coils was much smaller, but with the same overall thickness as a “normal” JM pickup. I use a pair of 500K audio taper pots in volume and tone positions. Plugging in, the guitar sounds warm but articulate in the neck position, chimey and twangy with both pickups combined, and bright but with a good degree of growl in the bridge pickup. I used this guitar for rehearsal and I must say that articulation is retained whether using a very low edge-of-breakup tone or with crunch tones and higher gain stuff when using a booster for solos. The neck is plump with enough warmth to evoke that traditional jazzbox tone, the combined tone is like a fat telecaster, but with more chime than a tele could ever muster; and the bridge is fast becoming one of my favourites for driven tones and solos. Thank you Lindy for crafting such a wonderful product; this is the fifth guitar that is equipped with your products, I’m definitely a huge Lindy Fralin fan and supporter!

  7. Anthony Dallago

    Verified Purchase

    No title added
    Customer added no additional comments

  8. Thomas Russo

    Verified Purchase

    They were an outstanding improvement over the Humming Fender pickups.

  9. John Pegg

    Verified Purchase

    All the twang and jangle you could ever dream of!
    I swapped out my J.Mascis Squier Jazzmaster pickups with the Fralins. Less growl than the more P90 stock pups, but that’s what I wanted. More true Jazzmaster tone and the Fralins deliver. They are clean, punchy and best of all, hum-free. Very happy I went with these. Highly recommended.

  10. Bruce LaVerdiere

    Verified Purchase

    It took me a while to pull the trigger, I was just unsure I was going to get the tone I was after. WAS I WRONG! Just order them! WHisper quiet and totally boutique sound and quality. I don’t want to put my Jazzmaster down! Thanks Lindy Fralin!!!!

  11. James Love

    Verified Purchase

    Customer added no additional comments.

  12. Karl Elvis MacRae

    Verified Purchase

    Transformed my Jazzmaster completely! These things sound amazing – my MIM JM sounds like a totally different guitar, in the best possible way. AND they look amazing.

  13. Torbjörn Fall

    Verified Purchase

    Yes!! I put the Hum-cancelling kit in my old Jazzmaster-62 because I needed to beef up the sound and make it a little hotter and – BAM! It’s the best sounding Jazzmaster I´ve ever heard. Warm, detailed, balanced and still with the character of the JM. And silent! I definitely recommend it!!

  14. Terry Ware

    Verified Purchase

    These pickups are fantastic!

  15. Amy Sloan

    Verified Purchase

    Sound amazing!!
    These pickups sound great! Buttery and smooth. All three positions on the pickups are smooth but yet have a good bite when driven thru pedals. Love em! Gotta love that they’re super quiet too!!

  16. Tim Lee

    Verified Purchase

    I recently purchased this pickup to use in a Fender Pawn Shop Series Bass VI. That guitar came with a “hot” Jazzmaster-style pickup in the bridge position (the only position I use on any guitar), which I replaced with a stock Fender model. The replacement sounded okay, but was noisy as all hell. I use the Bass VI in a duo and play it through both a guitar and a bass amp, so it was doubly noisy (I also utilized a Radial splitter with internal ground lift, which would make no difference at all).
    After doing some research, I broke down and ordered the Fralin hum-canceling JM pickup.
    Man, what a difference! No hum at all and super clean, punchy tone.
    I’ve gigged constantly since I got the pickup and have been so much happier with my setup since.
    So there, this is my oddball application review of this excellent product. I would (and have) recommend it to anyone looking for this style pickup.
    On a side note, I’m notoriously cheap and don’t mod instruments unless it’s going to be a massive improvement. I now consider this a wise expenditure and definitely a massive improvement.

  17. Alex

    Howdy! I just finished installing these into an AV 65 Jazzmaster. The stock pickups were great, but the hum and bite would get to me, especially when stacking drive/boost pedals. The Hum cancelling jazzmasters are a huge upgrade, not only because of the hum cancelling but also tonally. There is a significant reduction in the harsh top end that can be associated with jazzmasters and i’m feeling a lot more punch in all positions! I primary play though an AC15HW1. previously i couldn’t really use the top boost input as there was just too much buzz/hum/interference. not anymore! great pickups and they dropped right in. i did have to remove and replace the stock foam for something thinner. I cut up some cymbal felt and that was it!

    4.5 stars.

  18. Charles Wolfe

    I loved my Antiquity’s but I could not stand the hum. I slapped in a set of Lindys hum canceling Jazzmaster pickups. First thing I noticed is they are more compressed, not as open and wide tonally as the Antiquitys were. The Jazzmaster is still a very bright guitar, and still has a lot of that bass. No hum, and sounds really solid with a ProCo Rat.
    I would not recommend for someone who plays clean all the time. However, if you are doing the rock thing, these keep a lot of that Jazzmaster sound. I want to add, install these so that the tallest pole is under the D string!

  19. Barry Berenson

    Verified Purchase

    I expected an upgrade from the factory installed pickups on my Jazzmaster Classic Player but this was dramatic. I installed the Hum – Cancelling Jazzmaster pickups yesterday and don’t want to stop playing. Warm, clear, rings like a bell, exactly what I had hoped for. Before making my decision on which pickup to choose I spoke with the Customer Service Rep and explained what I was looking for – that late 50’s, early 60’s sound – and these pickups nailed it. I’m a believer.

  20. Kirk Larsen

    Verified Purchase

    The Lindy Fralin Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster pickup was exactly what I was looking for. It gave me a fatter sound but still retained that Jazzmaster bite. And without the nasty hum!
    The customer service was first rate. I requested a 5% over-wound bridge pickup and they had it completed and shipped within a week.

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